WiFi Tool v1.1.8 Download WiFi Network Tools app for Android
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WiFi Tool

WiFi Tools
WiFi Tool is a powerful software for analyzing and checking Wi-Fi around you. With this software, you can have complete control over the Wi-Fi networks around you.
- has an attractive and new look
- cover any WiFi signal around you
- possibility Filtering, sorting, and grouping networks
- Switching between different high-speed networks
- View information and details about Wi-Fi hotspots
- Network usage mining
WiFi Tool app Allows monitoring of Wi-Fi networks. Using this software, you can see the amount of signals in the form of colorful and attractive graphs. The environment of this program is very beautiful and user-friendly and you will easily communicate with its features.
Application Screenshot
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interference mode bugfix
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Download special edition arm - Size: 24.23 MB
Download special edition x86 - Size: 24.55 MB
Download special edition arm 64 - Size: 24 MB
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