Eye Exercises - Eye Care Plus v2.3.6 Download eye care and vision test app for Android
Eye Exercises & Eye Training Plans - Eye Care Plus |
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Eye Exercises & Eye Training Plans - Eye Care Plus
The latest version of the Eye Care Plus Android app
Version Full Program
Eye Care Plus is a free and comprehensive eye care program to test and monitor your vision, as well as tutorials for having healthier and stronger eyes by Android.
- Warming up
- General training
- Rest training
- Integrated training
- Scheduled training (5 minutes, 7 minutes, 10 minutes)
- Random test chart to eliminate tedious tasks
- Audio controls to help navigate easier
- Smooth, intuitive interface with animation
- Slane chart < / li>
- LogMAR chart
- Golovin – Sivtsev chart
- Tumbling E chart
- Nutrition tips
- Eye care tips Daily
- Healthy Eye Care Instructions
- Doctor Question Question
- First Aid Guide
- Eye Anatomy
- Quick Home Access Widget
- Home Tips Daily Widget
More than 15 eye and vision training, warm-up, general training, relaxation training and integrated training. This section aims to improve vision by relaxing the eye muscles, strengthening them, improving blood circulation and reducing their fatigue.
We recommend that you do a training program at least for working days and to your eyes Teach for a few minutes.
Eye Guide: Provides you with the most useful and important information about eye health.
Nutrition Guide: <
Helps organize your diet.
Daily Tips: Helps take care of your eyes better than ever.
First Aid: Provides you with all the information you need to know about eye emergencies, and anatomy allows you to better understand the structure of your eyes.
In the recipe section, you can find recipes for cooking foods that are good for the eyes. Find them useful and you can get answers to any questions related to the eye by playing the question from the doctor.
Vision tests Very useful for:
& # 8211; Patients with blurred or distorted vision
& # 8211; Patients with blurred vision at night
& # 8211; Patients with eye pain or chronic headache or fatigue
& # 8211; Patients with normal visual acuity, those who experience dark and cloudy vision
& # 8211; Patients who have maintained Eyechart
& # 8211; Prevention
& # 8211; Tests for adults who are skeptical of seeing a doctor
& # 8211; Home tests for children
& # 8211; Schools, kindergartens, universities or offices to monitor
& # 8211; Patients with macular degeneration
& # 8211; Nursing homes
Eye tests:
& # 8211; Visual acuity test
& # 8211; Check the glasses
& # 8211; Astigmatism test
& # 8211; Check central vision
& # 8211; Myopia and myopia test
& # 8211; Red color saturation detection
& # 8211; Color blindness test
& # 8211; Color sequence test (coming soon)
Supported languages:
& # 8211; English
& # 8211; Russian
& # 8211; Spanish
& # 8211; Chinese
This software is intended to replace the full regular examination Is an ophthalmologist.
We recommend that you have a complete eye test after using this program.
Training to give tangible and basic results is not guaranteed.
Application Screenshot
Recent Updates
Good news! We have enhanced Eye Care Plus to perform better!
Install our app and stay tuned for new features coming soon!
Download link
Download installation file - Size: 21.34 MB
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