Tuesday, December 29, 2020

PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android

PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android

PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android

PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android


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PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android

PAUSE program to increase concentration and reduce stress

Sell for $ 1.99 on Play Store

ApkTops & # 8211; User Request

Fewer people can be found these days Found to be fully focused due to mental and occupational occupations. We always see stress on the faces of many people, which is caused by these mental distractions. But have you ever considered that you can relieve this stress with your mobile phone and also increase your concentration?


  • An interactive tool for quick focus and stress relief
  • inspired by ancient practices
  • Ability to access anywhere and anytime
  • Fully practical and tested under EEG technology

PAUSE is a very interesting, practical and tested program that you can use to increase your senses and concentration. This software is inspired by the ancient methods of ancient science, which can increase the concentration of the senses in a completely new and unique way. To do this, the program simulates the screen of your phone in a foggy state, and you have to wipe this simulated fog by swiping your finger on the screen. You can do this anytime, anywhere you want to reduce your stress.

Application Screenshot

  1. PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android
  2. PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android
  3. PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android
  4. PAUSE 1.3 Download app to increase focus for Android

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Free Software | Direct Download Link

Download installation file - Size: 39.5 MB

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