1775: Rebellion v2.9.1 Download the game American Rebellion and Revolution Andrew
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1775: Rebellion
Rebellion < h3>
Rebellion is a brilliant title of a strategic online game with a great design by HexWar Games Ltd for Android platforms Designed and published. In this beautiful game, you and your friends will form a dream and powerful team, command the British, German, French and American armies and soldiers, and you will decide the right destiny for America with your clever strategies.
- Holds cards as a timer or motion Graphics powerful
- Ability to upgrade various tools and cards to advance the game commander
- has different factions with Event cards, movement cards and a murder card
- Ability to play the game to صور Online and multi-platform up to 4 players
- Creative and unique gameplay with impressive and beautiful sound effects
It is worth noting that the Rebellion , with its simple and unique mechanics, dealt with the historical details of that time and was able to well represent a critical time in American history. The story of this beautiful game dates back to 1775 and in it you will see a beautiful story with an epic theme in which the American colonies are angry about the new taxes imposed by Great Britain. In this regard, they have begun to stockpile weapons and organize military forces. On April 18, members of the military attacked a column of 700 British soldiers who had come to steal an ammunition depot. 273 British soldiers were killed or wounded before reaching Boston, and from there the American Revolution began. Now, as the commander of the soldiers, in this fast-paced game, you have to do your best and decide a new destiny for them. Remember that in each There are a number of deck of movement cards that are an important part of the game. It is impressive and can bring a different experience of strategy and epic games for gamers.
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